training resources

Sign & Say

David J. Franks & Carolyn Schultz, 1982


simultaneous use of manual signs and speech

Sign & Say (1979-1982) is an instructional manual that introduced the use of manual communication to facilitate language, communication and speech development.  This material describes the rationale for the use of sign language and a plan to facilitate communication development during early periods of development. While Sign & Say was developed for use by parents, care providers, teachers and related services personnel with children who exhibit delays in language and speech development, this introductory and foundational approach can be adapted for use with most young children during the early stages of oral language development and most certainly provides foundational ideas to address the needs of children who are deaf or hearing impaired. Trained teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing are central to the team’s functiorn for children with hearing loss .

This material is an example of how research was translated into practice and is based on the observation that young children gesture before they speak. The signs that are introduced are based on developmental expectations in an expanding social environment (i.e., from parents to extended family; from home to neighborhood; and, home to daycare or school). Some of the vocabulary and phrases must be modified to conform to advances in knowledge about language development and practice.

Sign & Say : manual

The following letter is an example of communication with a parent who wasn’t a part of decision making or did not fully understand the use of sign to facilitate language development.


General ideas that inform the use of the sign-speech methods:

Sign_Say_What Can Be Done.jpg

This visual shows how sign could be used during activities in the classroom.

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