Dedication & Acknowledgements



I have chosen to dedicate this history to the memory of John Melcher, Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction and Supervisor of Early Childhood Special Education in Wisconsin (photo above). John was a highly respected special educator whose work at the state, national and international levels made the outcomes described in this history possible. He was a mentor and friend to many of us who had the privilege of sharing time, space, vision and activities with him.


The following colleagues actively participated in the many research and development activities that made the Wisconsin’s Early Childhood Special Education teacher education programs innovative, unique and highly successful. Each of the many actions and activities is a story in its own right. It would take a complex diagram to show how each one these persons and organizations was involved in making early intervention/education what it is today. I regret if I have inadvertently failed to acknowledge any one who contributed to these endeavors. One accomplishment led to another over more than thirty years beginning in 1973. It is my belief that these were very exciting times and that these actions have served as a solid foundation for the continued improvement of early education and intervention services in Wisconsin to this day.

It was my privilege and honor to be a part of this history.

Founding members of the Wisconsin Division on Early Childhood:
David Shearer, Marsha Shearer, Jan Keil, Jean Hilliard, Sue Frohman, and David Franks

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Supervisors & Staff:
John Melcher, Gretchen Phair, Jenny Lange, Mary Peters, Jill Haglund, and Jim McCoy

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s and -Whitewater’s Early Childhood Special Education Faculties:
Betsy McDougall-Gibbs, Barbara Wolfe, Mary Ann Marchel, Nancy Contrucci, Ruth Nyland, Sara Hadden, Mary Bross, and Barbara Reid

Competency-based Training and Certification Development Activities:
Barbara Wolfe, Judy Conlin, Betsy McDougall-Gibbs, Mary Ann Marchel, Ruth Paisley, Mary Beier, Mary Enright, Fran Kakuska, Kathy Battles, Judy Israel, Craig Miller, Sue Knuth, Catherine Franks, Leonard E. Gibbs, Kathy Kress, Carol Rudebeck, Nancy Amacher, Jolyn Beeman, and Joan Rothrock

Jefferson County Integrated Special & Head Start Early Education Program:
Ed Hill, Terry Sheridan, Sue Haney, Joyce Humphrey, Tony Beardsley, and Teaching staff

Eau Claire Area School District:
Perry Smith, Todd Teske, Betsy McDougall-Gibbs, Chris Hambuch-Boyle, and Teaching staff

Altoona School District:
Susan Hintgen and Teaching staff

Madison Area Colleagues:
Terry Dolan, George Jesien, Chris Lehman (WI Head Start), Sue Albert, Linda Tuchman, and Sue Robbins

Wisconsin Institutions of Higher Education:
Mary Bross, Helen Browning, Ann Higgins-Hains, Jan Keil, Mary McClean, Marge Miller, Milo Pritchett, Barbara Reid, Elizabeth Vincent, Gay Ward, Tom King, Kris Retherford, and Leonard Gibbs

Related State and Wisconsin Division on Early Childhood Research & Development Activities:
Keith Reece, Arlene Wright, Mary McFarlane, Cindy Schlosser, Nancy Sweet, Gaye Tylka, Lesa Maxwell, Karen Stoiber, Mary Joslin, Jerry Harper, and William Frankenberger

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